Wednesday, February 28, 2007
What a bad day.
I wake up in the morning and go to school with my hair all messed up, untameable.
In school Mrs Serena Chan almost makes me stand in the corner of the class (honestly, it's so juvenile.)
After MG-Nyte, it starts to rain and I'm almost late for my dental appointment if not for Abby's parents who drop me off at the clinic.
My teeth hurt so bad and they're really painful.
It's raining even heavier and I've forgotten my umbrella brilliantly.
I've to walk home in the rain and on the bus back it's bone chillingly cold.
My mom decides to go into full typical Singaporean mother mode.
I can barely eat my dinner because of my teeth.
I can't play the piano pieces correctly because my fingers were too wet at that moment, or oily whatever.
While I'm out on the computer, my brothers brilliantly decide to switch on my iPod nano, listen to it, leave it on for two whole hours, draining the battery and making me charge it all over again. And BTW, it's freaking long.
My parents take their side.
STUPID BROTHERS, I tell you they're freaking annoying. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. >:(
- 10:45 pm
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Church yesterday. When I went there, it felt like ages ago since I stepped into that place, and yes, I missed it loads! Service was alright, I guess. Though sometimes I feel that's it's really unfair, that everyone else can be on such a high when I'm not high all the time. As much as I try, sometimes I can't make myself feel spiritually high. And I hate the way my spiritual life fluctuates like that.
Living by faith and not by sight.
And it seemed, yesterday, that everybody finally got the idea that I am going to Melbourne. LOL, and I thought everyone knew already. Hmm. Jared Koh asked me when I'm going, and honestly, Jerad, it's so far away! Like, the end of the year. Haha, but yes, all of you can come and see me off. I'll feel so... LOVED. <3
I wonder what it'll be like over there. Though I'm definitely looking forward to the food, and the shopping. But I'm kinda apprehensive about going there for good, because it's like starting all over again. To be honest, I'm afraid that when I go there, my social life will be as interesting as my primary school social life. Benn's the only one who knows the tragic story, I think. And I don't think I'll fit in. People say, you'll find new friends, oh, and go find a hot Australian boyfriend (HEH). But sometimes I really wonder if I'll be able to do that (fit in, not the boyfriend part LOL). And what happens when I come back? I don't think it'll ever be the same. Because people change, things change, relationships change.
But God doesn't.Labels: Melbourne
- 11:10 am
Saturday, February 24, 2007
1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be? Hmm, someone. Nobody would be darn freaky!
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Of course, why would I want a big bulky cart in my house! Hahaha.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Both, I guess.
4. Do you take compliments well? Compliments, who wouldn't.
5. Do you play Sudoku? Nope.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Not if some lion came to eat me. Of if I had to eat disgusting stuff like bugs. I'd probably have to survive on my will to live (:
7. Do you like to ride horses? Yes! It's really fun.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Mmhmm, I went to the most camps ever.
9. What was your favorite game as a kid? Barbie, heh. :P
10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married what would you do? Ooh, you wanna tell me who that sexy person is first? ;) I'd just be really flattered, but if I didn't like him it would be no point getting disappointed. Unless he's like, really really hot. The only exception would be he's Josh Hartnett. Then... ah, I'd be devastated. :(
11. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? Why not, it's also a great way to evangelize (:
12. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Depends hahaha.
13. Are you ticklish? That's too much information to reveal, so I'm not saying.
14. Do any songs make you cry? Yeah. Pearl Harbor OST.
15.Do you know how to shoot a gun? No, I hope I don't ever have to.
16. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? iPod nano, phone, camera, and my youngest brother!
17. How often do you read books? Quite.
18. Do you think more about the past, present or future? All three.
20. Favorite children's book? Sweet Valley (:
21. How tall are you? 160! I haven't grown a single bit and my brother's gonna be taller than me already! >:(
22. Where is your dream house located? Australia.
23. What name brand is your computer? NPS.
24. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yaar, neo prints, if that's what you're referring to.
25. What flavour is your favorite lollipop? Vanilla and chocolate! And strawberry yoghurt, like the one I bought from Topshop.
26. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? So far, tuition.
27. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? Tough choice. BOTH!
28. Do you look like your mom or dad? My dad.
29. How long does it take you in the shower? Long enough (:
30. Can you do the splits? No but I've tried though.
31. What movie do you want to see right now? The Pursuit of Happyness!
32. Would you like to make a shout out? No it's alright.
33. What did you do for New Year's? Watchnight!
34. What song would you like to dedicate? Too many, hahaha.
35. Do you own a camera phone? Sadly, no, but I'll survive.
36. Who would you dedicate that song to? Jade (:
37. Candles or Incense? Candles! Scented ones are the best.
38. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? Depends.
39. Do you like care bears? Um, why?
40. What do you buy at the movies? Tickets, popcorn and coke!
41. Do you know how to play poker? Nope.
42. Do you wear your seatbelt? When I remember to :P
43. What do you wear to sleep? Tshirt and shorts.
44. Are you in love? In God, yes! (:
45. Do you like funny or serious people better? Those who are a mix and know the right time to be funny and the right time to be serious. But funny. (:
46. Ever been to L.A.? No, I want to!
47. Did you eat a cookie today? Buy me one!
48. Do you use cuss words in other languages? Nope.
49. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? I shall not lie, so I shall not say anything.
50. Do you hate chocolate? In my mind, yes. But as Ding Xue Er, no way! I thrive on chocolate, yo (:
51. What do you and your parents fight about the most? That's personal stuff.
52. Are you a gullible person? Yes.
53. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? Hahaha, that's so overrated. No, I think I'm pretty much happy by myself now thank you.
54. If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be? A personal shopper! Or maybe something else. But right now personal shopping seems like a good idea (:
55. Are you easy to get along with? Am I? You tell me.
56. What is your favorite time of day? When I go to bed.
57. What are your weaknesses? Food, shopping, Pearl Harbor, Josh Hartnett, and SHOES! <3
58. What are your favourite movies? Pearl Harbor, duh(: But the papers called it a dud. Sheesh, like, no taste!
- 2:01 pm
Friday, February 23, 2007

Because there's you and me.
- 10:54 pm
Alright week. Jade's coming for service tomorrow, I think. (:
I just had an MEP test today, and I think I'd pretty much be satisfied with a B4. I'm not aiming too high because I don't wanna get disappointed, and anyway, my dad said that a B4 isn't too bad, so why settle for more? Blah, anyway, I think my test results aren't that good, so I've decided that I shall put my really good discipline skills (yeah, right) to use. I've decided that I will not listen to my iPod when I am studying.
DING XUE ER! Repeat after me, 'I will not listen to my iPod while studying.'
Honestly. I am so neurotic.
- 10:35 pm
Monday, February 19, 2007
Chinese New Year for me was kinda boring. Maybe for me, because the bling is a huge part of the thrill, and that thrill wasn't very nice. But whatever, count your blessings so... Yeah.
I've just realised that all the good movies now are rated. >:(
MOSES! WE BROKE THE RECORD! (: By one minute haha, but it's still time. :P
- 10:29 pm
Saturday, February 17, 2007
It's The End of The Road - Matt Goss
Yesterday a clear horizon
Now the clouds are rollin' in it's disappeared
The one thing that i've always believed in
It's strange how right now it all seems so unclear
I consult my soul
And it tells me that it knows
There's no doubt one day
I'm gonna fly
Gotta stand up, dust myself off
Just for now
It's the end of the road
When something ends something begins,
But now it's just the end of the road
When someone loses someone wins
But now it's just the end of the road
Don't get to fix it if it doesn't break
But now it's just the end of the road
When you gotta leave
It makes you wanna stay
I know it's the end of the road
It's the end of the road
One line can change a story
So sometimes let the line just be unsaid
Pride only thinks about the glory
And just the right now
And not the days ahead
I've held my breath
Walked on shells hoped for the best
What the future holds
I don't know
I've gotta stand up, dust myself off
Just for now
It's the end of the road
When something ends Something begins,
But now it's just the end of the road
When someone loses someone wins
But now it's just the end of the road
Don't get to fix it if it doesn't break
But now it's just the end of the road
When you gotta leave
It makes you wanna stay
I know it's the end of the road
I've been travelin'
Get the dust right off the windshield
No one gets the road map to their life
'Cause life is so subjective
I'll take my pain and I wanna protect it
Never blinds me always reminds me
There's so much more to see
At the end of the road
When something ends something begins
Is this the end of the road?
When someone loses, someone wins
Is this the end of the road?
When something ends something begins,
But now it's just the end of the road
When someone loses someone wins
But now it's just the end of the road
Don't get to fix it if it doesn't break
But now it's just the end of the road
When you gotta leave
It makes you wanna stay
I know it's the end of the road
Yesterday: THANKS BENN FOR COMING TO VIVOCITY WITH ME AND HELPING ME FIND MY STUFF! (: And for putting up with all my whining and complaints and the stuff that I wanted, and for controlling the power of your fist hahaha. Thanks yeah! LOVE (:
I got my CNY clothes! And I really like them. Went to Vivocity yesterday to get my CNY stuff, and I ended up with this Forever 21 dress, belt and a really nice Topshop necklace. It's this black plastic rose on a golden chain (: I was super high after getting all my stuff, and it took quite a short time so Benn and I went on the search for our clutches, but to no avail, so boo. But then again, I was very satisfied. So we sat down at Coffee Bean, and there the funniest thing happened to us. We had finished our drinks and were just talking when this man with his group of friends, both girls and guys, came along. Because I was facing his direction, he signalled to me, asking me if we were done and were going off soon. So I nodded and started to stand up and Benn saw and did the same. So we were taking our bags and stuff:
(The man sees our uniforms.)
THE MAN: MGE! OH MGE! It's MGE right?
BENN: Um, no, it's MGS.
ME: Yeah, MGS.
THE MAN: Oh, MGS, I see.
ME: Yeah, thank you, sorry (I don't know why I said sorry heh.)
THE MAN: Oh, okay, MGS! I'm your brother ah, I was from ACS.
BENN & ME: Um, okay, bye.
(We walk away as he calls out, wishing us a happy Chinese New Year. We're both trying not to laugh. When we're at a distance safely away, we start laughing like crazy.)
BENN: Hahaha, paigia ACS dude.
LOL hilarious. Anyway yesterday was fun (: Though I think Benn was about to punch me because I was really high from retail therapy and adding the coffee, it made it worse. I kept on saying what I wanted, and she was like, 'XUE ER! Do you really want to see the power of my fist?' Earlier in the day, my mom specifically said that I couldn't buy any shoes. And the shoes at River Island were really pretty :( They had this really cool tagline, it was like, 'Give the girl the right shoes... And she will conquer the world.' Get the hint, heh. Plus I got this really cool free mirror from Forever 21. It's like a compact mirror, two-sided, and one side's border is lighted up. And it's silver with black wording on the cover, saying 'Forever 21'. AWESOME YO (: Went for CNY service in church after that.
I guess I learnt something yesterday. Perhaps you can gain something from retail therapy. You can be happy, you can be truly happy. Really. But I learnt yesterday, that you can have all the retail therapy you want, but you cannot ever really get joy from that. You may be using retail therapy to cure something, but that happiness cannot really give you real joy. I've learnt yesterday, that you can have happiness from the ways of this world, but you can have the joy of the Lord and you'll find, that nothing ever beats that, and nothing ever will. FYI I'm talking about positive here not negative (:
Today I realised how scary it is that bobby pins are so like friends & people in your life. You need to hold onto them really carefully, or before you know it, they'll be gone. Coincidentally, I lost a bobby pin today and yesterday I realised that I will lose somebody. It's like something imminent (I think that's the word), bound to happen. Because it's like bobby pins. Every girl is bound to lose a bobby pin in her life, like it or not. It's kinda lame a comparison, but it all just comes back to the same thing, doesn't it.
- 9:28 pm
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Dang, I was gonna post this real long post about what happened in Math today, but ah well, I accidentally closed the window so it's gone. Boo :( I seem to be doing alot of that these days. Closing windows I mean.
Anyway, during Math, Lim SK was teaching us addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions and then she was talking about how if we did it the NORMAL way, we wouldn't have 'grapsed' (at which we all sniggered) the concept. Then suddenly the fire drill alarm rang, and Rachel Choe started jumping up and down screaming, 'Yes yes yes! Whoohoo!' Hilarious! Then later to Lim SK she was like, 'Sorry, sorry! Sorry Mrs Lim!' Hahaha.
And yesterday at AH, the butterfly trail, we saw a butterfly (Yeah, wow, JOY!) and everyone went, 'Oh my God!' or 'Oh my goodness!' or 'My God! My God!'
Then you know what the Chinese teacher said?
'Kuaidian zou, kuaidian zou ah, buyao zheng tian My God My God!'
Translation: Hurry up walk, hurry up walk la, don't keep on My God My God.
Hahaha so funny. Benn and I were laughing like crazy. And Janell's jokes!
Why is Osama two-thirds woman?
Because he's a wanted (one-third) man!
What did the light bulb say to the switch?
'You turn me on!'
Omggg, Janell Tan the twit is so lame. Hahaha, enjoy. (:
The Name Game.
1. YOUR REAL NAME: Ding Xue Er (:
2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME (first three letters of your name, plus izzle): Xueizzle. Ookay. (Xue shall be my first name hahaha. Can you imagine, Dinizzle!?!?! So Ding will be last.)
3. YOUR "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three of your last): Xdin. Riiight. Sounds kinda cool actually. So alien!
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav color and fav animal): White Not-An-Animal-Person. :/
5.YOUR DRUNK NAME(FIRST 3 LETTERS OF YOUR FIRST NAME,then slam your hand on the keyboard.): Xuebrgfd. Ooh, hahaha.
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 3 letters of mom's maiden name): Dinxufoo. Omggg it sounds darn retarded, no no no! :(
7. SUPERHERO NAME (favorite color, favorite drink): White Water. Hahaha, so cool! I'm like, White Water. I sound so natural ooh lala (:
8. IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 3rd letter of your moms maiden name,letter of a siblings first name, last letter of your moms middle name): Uneozg. Eeyer, so weird! Why like that one!
9. ACT CUTE NAME (write your fav animal and erase the last letter of it and plus a yoki behind): Not-an-animal-persoyoki. TWIT TWIT TWIT!
10. SMELLY NAME (write ur fav colour and plus a TOIL infront of it.): Whitetoil. Sounds like white chocolate! <3 Boo but it's smellaye.
Vain attempts to update my iPod are failing, and it's FRUSTRATING.
- 10:12 pm
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Thanks for all the flowers and chocolate and cards (: Still I think the best gift this Vday was Jade Wee's salvation. MMHMM :D
I'm so tired I can barely type. :/ CIP gardening was torture, squatting down for more than half an hour. When I got home I started eating my chocolates. Hmm, sinful, but well, you lose some, you gain some! (:
Inside Out was really really good. Dinner after that was fun too! With Abby, Benn and Ariel. At Pizza Hut.
Updates another time, History and HUGE Chinese test tomorrow. So for now, LOVE.
- 6:45 pm
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Yesssss (: I'm overjoyed, hahaha. Yesterday at Y=MX+C, my dearest Jade Wee got saved! (: She said the sinner's prayer, and she might be coming back next week. I think it was a really good event, better than I Do last year, because this time, the youths could actually identify with the characters. And I really liked the play and everything, I found it really good. Somehow. God was and still is moving :D
Jade Wee my dear girl! (: I'm really proud of you, for taking that step of faith to believe. I pray you'll grow in your walk with God, and know that He's always with you, and He loves you alright? I LOVE YOU HON! <3
I got 2 flowers yesterday! I had to rush off so I couldn't give everyone their cards, so I passed them to Ariel.
MEP concert turned out to be quite fun. We were late for the concert, but sadly, we weren't locked out. BOO :( And Chan wasn't there, so we could've ponned it! GRRRR. Anyway, before the interval, this piece was playing and Joyce and Jia Ying were like moving their hands to the music.
Freaky man. Musically insane :P
And the interval was the besttt. Because, we went out to the mall, the Esplanade Mall, Jade Wee and me, and we got our intermission passes. Then we decided to pon the second half! (: And that turned out to be the best decision ever because it was so fun ponning. PLUS we saw some Sec 4s ponnning too I think. So first, we went to Haagen-Dazs, but we saw the menu and we left. I feel kinda bad for the waitress though. LOL. So then we went to Mrs. Fields, and we had sandwiches because we didn't get to have dinner. Then after that we walked around a bit, and went back to Haagen-Dazs! We had a double scoop then we went out because we felt super extra, we were only eating a cone.
So we went out and window shopped! :D We saw some pretty cool stuff. But it was kinda boring because we had no money. So we went outside the Esplanade and we were playing at the fountain there. It was really really fun! I miss Jade Wee so much man (: So we were climbing on top of the vents and everything, and the pool was so cool cause it had pretty blue lights on it. And there was this glass panel there, it's actually the ceiling of the carpark!
And we took loads of pictures (:


The chicken sandwiches (:

Jade Wee!

Mrs. Fields (:

The double-scoop ice cream. I think the chocolate one was nicer. Hahaha.

Intermission passes! We gave them back to the lady at the end of the concert, when everyone was coming out. We had to rush back into the hall. And she said, "Oh, you're very late!" HAHAHA.

Tickets to torture :/

Huge teddy bear. So adorable (:

Freaky eyebags. BOO.

Unrefined woman at the Esplanade, tsk tsk! ;)

We came to this record store and they still have huge discs! I wanted to superimpose Jade Wee's face on the flash bit, but it got screwed up. Haha, next time!

This white guitar is coool.

Pretty blue lights!

The vent that we climbed was right behind (:

I touched the ceiling of the carpark hahaha. It's actually glass surrounded by this so-called moat, and it's pretty deep. Jade nearly fell in. :P

Look so brave!

She was shaking and I had to hold her hand LOL!

BFFs (:

At the top of the world

The only reason why I look so short is because she took it from on top our spot! My smile looks... constipated hahaha.

And the only reason why she looks so tall is because I took it from the bottom of the vent!

Boo (:

The failed attempts to get a picture of me jumping :P

My favourite girl, Jade Wee (: I love you hon <3

Flowers (without flash)

Flowers (flash)

L.O.V.E <3

Abby Chio (:
Jade Wee thank you so much for last night! It was really memorable. I love you dear. <3
- 11:21 am
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Janell the twit makes me laughhh. (: As much as I hate to admit it, it's really really fun sitting behind her, because you get to learn all the weird and cool games, like Goggles Up, and 007 Bang, and Diudiu. Hahaha. And you hear all the stupid jokes.
I am tired. The three tests this week are finally over, the only one that was honestly easy was Math.
As much as I want to, and perhaps it's what you want as well, I can't let go. I know it's the best, but I can't let go of that feeling, that chemistry, of you. And for this, I'm sorry.
Today, you were an hour late. Then again, you've been late for the past week. Then again, you were never around, though I wish you were. I wish, that you would be around, all the time. And that I don't have to wait a whole week for you to be around.
- 8:56 pm
Friday, February 02, 2007
Janell, you twit! I asked you for Y=MX+C, you yourself didn't want to come. Jan the twit, Jan the twit, Jan the twit. Sounds nice, dontcha think (:
The weekend is finally here, so hello to sleeping in and goodbye to school and alarms. Whoohoo.
All you need to do right now, is get that out of your system. Forget it, and everything will be alright.
- 9:49 pm
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, maybe now, I do. Except that in love at first sight, you always want what you can't ever have. Never, ever, in your whole lifetime. You somehow feel that chemistry, but you know that that chemistry isn't going to amount to much. It's just. Nothingness. Perhaps that's what hurts the most. Yet sometimes you don't even know what you want. You don't know what you're asking for. And what if you don't even know that person. Tell me, what happens then?
God has been good. Both Jade and Shannen are coming for Y=MX+C. (:
And now I see, that faith moves mountains. I thought that Shannen would be a really hard case, but she was the first to say yes. And thank God for that. This is a breakthrough, I know it and I can feel the revival. Oh yeah (:
It's finally going to be the weekend. I can vouch that it has been a tough week. I will finish this week well, with God.
- 9:07 pm