Friday, March 30, 2007

School, Nina, Camwhore. And not to mention fat tongues like mine.
- 9:51 pm
Sunday, March 25, 2007
SPOT ON was fab (: Ignyted One! We did our best and we rocked. I think we were really united and cooperative, and I made new friends too (:
Best of all, we won second! WELL DONE, IGNYTED ONE (:
We got our 20 buck Island Creamery voucher, woohoo.
Ignyted ONE <3
Our cheer was totally cool too (:. Like:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2... ... KABOOM! IGNYTED ONE! [Stick out leg with the word ONE written on it]
Yaar, we are so cool, and you know it! ;P
I just realised, today, that actually a few years back, we actually got the Canadian PR as well. So if we'd accepted it, I'd have visas to Australia & Canada! (: So cool. But we didn't accept it, so heckkk.
- 9:59 pm
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I freaking miss my darling Jade Wee loads. It was great having her in 1E last year, because she's the one person, the ONE AND ONLY person whom I can actually act totally crazy with, totally dysfunctional with, and feel at home. She's the only person I've ever known who still acts crazy on PMS days, and you never feel out of place when you're telling a lame joke or acting totally stupid with her, because hah, she's the same and she totally makes you feel comfortable. (:
I miss Jade Wee LOADS (: Love you Jadey darling <3

- 10:33 pm
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I'm thinking of moving.
Actually I've set my mind on moving. It's just a matter of when.
Probably Xanga I guess. I'd like to move to a place where nobody can find me.
Thanks to everyone (actually 2 people) who have heard me rant, and complain about my day. At least I know I can trust you, even if all else falls apart.
You know, I'm freaking scared that my primary school history, will all repeat itself. I've experienced it three times. Not again.
- 11:19 pm
Perth was good. Very very good. I didn't want to come back.
It is not dead city, it has really good food, and good shopping. The track was cool. I shall not comment further :P
We did quite alot of stuff, so I'll just post the pictures and let them do the talking.
Day 1
Basically we arrived at around 4 plus, Aussie time, and we went to the house, which is huge. Seriously. Then we went to the park, and Swan River and it's so gorgeous. It's like, so cool, and windy, and it was really nice. Then at night we went to Karrinyup, this shopping centre. It was Thursday so it closed at 9.

The sunrise, it's worth getting up for.



It reads 'hello xue was here (:'.

Nerd just cut his hair, so no more goldfish bowls.

So gorgeous.

Jasmine in the pool.

Big banana tree.

The park! (:

Swan River, it's so pretty (:



Ooh, twit.

The old twit.

Hahaha :P

Day 2
We went to Caversham Wildlife Park, and I saw a wombat. It is disgusting. Like, all fat and pudgy. :P Then we went for lunch, and the chocolate factory. Then we went back to the house, where we swam and after that went out for dinner at the harbour. The sunset is gorgeous.

Feathers: Please do not remove from the park.

Yes, I can. Rawr.

The bird that can bite, and bit my brother 9 years ago when we were in Perth.

Look closely, it's actually a white kangaroo.

ONLY FOR KANGAROOS. Someone must have eaten it then.

Yum. :P

My youngest brother, me, and the arsehole of a kangaroo.

The bridge.

Death By Chocolate cake. It was heavenlyyy. I died and went to heaven when I ate the food here. It's a place called Carilley, and the fries are TDF! They're like, long, golden, crispy and really tasty. The thing is, you can't see a single grain of salt on them.

We bought AU$90 worth of chocolate at the Margaret River Chocolate Factory. The chocolate there was FABULOUS.

Scandalous eh.

My bro's actually using the rocket thing to shoot her. I'm standing behind to protect myself :P

Look, a bird.


Sunset! (:

Lagsane, Shannen Tan, you know you are SO jealous. ;)
Day 3
Went to Innaloo in the morning, then had to rush to the stadium for my brother's 400m track event. He got 2nd in the heats, and 5th in the semifinals. But that really good already, because they're really really fast. And then later we went to visit my mom's friend, Aunt Fiona, and we went out for dinner. Apparently we've known them for years, but I can't recognise their daughters except one. :P We went to La Porchetta and I had lagsane, cabonara, foccacia, pizza and chilli mussels. MMM (:

Perry Lakes Stadium, beats our stadiums hands down and has the hottest guys ever ;P

The red guy's my bro, he's running 400m.

Singaporean team march past.

All the Little Athletics Centres. Kingsway's the best though, they're really good. And there was this guy who sang the Australian anthem from there, and he sounded so hottt.

Point Water Reserve.

It's a sand bar, so you can actually walk over to the other side! COOOL (:

No birds... Hmm.

The Round House. It's actually a place where they used to execute criminals, not by hanging but by chopping off their heads! LOL.

The plaque.

Sunset from the top <3

Outside, the two families.

Yvonne, Rachael, Michelle & me. They're super nice, and really funny too. Like they were playing with my brother handgames, and Rachael lost to my bro in chopsticks! Then we were talking about who's better, Shin or Lu in Princess Hours. We had ice cream too and it was really good (:
Day 4
Church today, went to New Life City Church, which is actually Pastor Yat Wan's church. So I saw Dorothy! (: Haha, but she couldn't join us for lunch because she had cell. But the people there from their youth are really friendly, I had 3 people come up to me, and they were really very nice (: After that we went for lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant with the pastors, and then went to Harbourtown! (: It's this really cool place where they have sales all year round, and the stuff is so, so cheap. Like, you can get a Portmans top for 5 bucks. They had Valleygirl there too, but I couldn't really try on that much stuff because my family was rushing off to watch my bro at the stadium, even though it wasn't even his event. 200m. In any case, I managed to get loads of stuff there and I like that place alot (: Pity it closed at 5pm. He got like, 5th again for 200m finals, and that's good because it isn't his event. And the really cool thing is that the Australian runners, the guys, they go up to the foreign visitors, and they swap shirts! So we saw some Australian boys with Singapore jerseys, and Singaporean boys with Kingsway/ Bayswater/ Belmont etc. jerseys and it's so cool (: After that we went back to the house and we had a barbecue, the food was really nice. And at night, you can see loads of stars and it's super pretty (:

Pool party & barbecue.

The pool lighted up.

Some funny Cars sweet my bro got, it's pretty cool.
Day 5
We went back on this day! I was really sad though. But we had the beef pie. Whoohoo, haha. The beef pies there are TDF! They're so hot and delicious, and I also got my Havaianas at the airport. Quite cheap. Anyway I really enjoyed my trip, and my bro was so lucky he got to stay another day there! We bought Starbursts at the airport (: They're super nice gummies. :P I watched Blood Diamond on the plane! Leonardo DiCaprio is so hot, like omg. Lol. But honestly, he is really very hot. But he died in the movie! Darn, and he was called Danny too, like Josh Hartnett's character in Pearl Harbor. DANGGG. I was so sad, I was like NOOOOOO! when he died. Some stupid soldier shot him. And my ears hurt like crazy when we were descending, until I realised that yawning takes away the pain! (:

The park outside the house, it's so gorgeous.

The house!

Lipgloss boy.

This baby was sitting in front, in the carrier. It's so adorable! (:

And my brother came back last night. I can't believe it, but I actually missed him. It gets weird when you only have one annoyance to deal with, because I normally have to deal with two. Absence makes the heart fonder - too true. During this trip I grew much closer to my youngest brother too, because we only had each other to annoy. It was a good trip, I wish I could go back. I don't want to stay here in Singapore, but that's broaching another subject already.In any case, I loved my stay there. Shopping, food, everything was great. I can't wait to go back to Melbourne. Anyway, last night we went to fetch my brother from the airport. You know all those athletes, in track jackets and stuff, then they're like all walking out of the baggage collection centre at once? I THINK THAT IS SO COOL. Haha. My brother's so dark now! Lucky. I was tanning in Australia, because it was SO HOT, deathly hot, but not humid, and I only got a bit tanner. The only good thing is that when Elizabeth saw me yesterday first thing she said was, 'Xue Er! You're so tanned now!'
You made my day, Liz (:
And it was rather dry in Australia, so I didn't sweat, but when I got back to school yesterday I broke out in sweat just walking up the hill. And jet lag is a stupid thing.
It was good to see my brother anyway, and he brought back stufff (:

Boxing kangaroo pen, supposedly for his teachers.

Look at the muscles!

Kingsway & Bayswater, I was hoping he'd get a Kingsway jersey because they're the best (:

Haha, a much cuter version of the wombat. It's name is Benny - it says it on the tag.

And he was so sweet, he got this for me! (: I like it alot, and I think it was really nice of him, because he didn't get anything for himself, and he had to take Benny the wombat. So sweet <3
I miss Perth freaking much, and I wish I never came back to this horrible place.
School has been really bad, thank you for asking.
- 9:12 pm