Sunday, September 24, 2006

Josh Hartnett! Whoo he's so hot.
Less than three less than three less than three.
- 12:04 pm
Oh, and did I forget to add? I just woke up and I feel like crap.
The stupid fan's not working. & & &
I just wasted 2 whole hours when I could be mugging.
See what a genius I am.
Yes the stupid feeling of bleakness. Like being on top of a sinking iceberg. Down down down.
Them them them.
& there's a me.
Looking from afar.
- 10:52 am
I hate bread with one side full of the skin. EW. And I had to eat that this morning because my toot brother didn't go down and buy bread. UGH it was hard hard hard.
You know sometimes, when you're feeling down, this person comes and tells you to cheer up and it's gonna be fine, but the truth is, that person's the one that's bothering you. Irony eh?
And Jo's so right. Just when you thought that you had many many friends, thought you were close to them and everything it turns out to be nothing. Slipping away, mmhmm. It's not that I'm sad that people patched up their relationships, but I thought we'd be still close. I'm happy for them, I really am. They still try, everyone still tries, but it's different. Transition sucks. Difference sucks. Change sucks.
Feeling left out in the place where you thought that people would always be there for you.
Why'd you think that I said Saturdays left me with a empty feeling? I can only go to HIM who made a WAY for me.
Just around the corner, just isn't enough.
- 10:30 am
Friday, September 22, 2006
Haha Abby tagged me to do this.
01) Single, taken or crushing? Single and loving it.
02) Are you happy with your life now? Everyone has good and bad days, but yeah, I am.
03)When you meet the right person,do you fall in love with him fast? We'll see when that comes, yeah? And I do believe in love at first sight.
04)Have you ever had your heartbroken? Mmhmm. Certain people, all of whom I've gotten over. LOL.
05)Do you believe there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable? If he loved you he wouldn't cheat on you! And a relationship is based on trust so he shouldn't cheat.
06)Would you take someone back if he cheats on you? I'd kick his ass luh, much less take him back. NO WAY.
07)Have you talk bout marriage with another before? Yes yes yes. Haha with Benn and it was hilarious.
08)Do you want children? Plain Truth (Jodi Picoult) said that a child is when the two parents come together and the love is all transferred to the child, so he/she's like a symbol of their love. So sweet. LOL. Maybe I do want children. Haha.
09)How many? Three two or one! I keep my options open (:
10)Would you consider adoption? Yes. No. Maybe. See what the circumstances are.
11)If someone liked you right now what do you think is the best way to let you know his feelings? Tell me, it's the only way right?
12)Do you enjoy getting into relationships? Yeah, I enjoy being in friendships if that's what you mean.
13)Be honest,what is the furthest you and your ex did? I didn't have an ex in the first place. Heh.
14)Do you believe in love at first sight? For different people, why not? Yes, I do. <3
15)Are you romantic? LOL yes I think I am, and I'm helpless too. LOL.
16)Do you believe you can change someone? Oh yeah. But I hope I change that person for the better (:
17)If you could married somewhere,where would it be? Somewhere romantic like France! Or in this nice field where there's nice daisies every where and it's all windy and the grass is green and there's a windmill in the distance. Oh wait. No, a lighthouse. Haha, and overlooking the sea too! ;D
18)Do you easily give in when you are fighting? Heck no.
19)Do you have feelings for someone right now? Yeah, I love someone now. You know who? Jesus! LOL. I do have feelings for someone, actually everyone. I didn't say what kind of feelings. Hah.
20)Have you ever wished that you could have had someone but you messed it up? Yeah, like you could have had a friend but you screwed it up.
21)Have you ever broken a heart? Heh I don't know.
22)One day your best friend falls in love with the guy you are deeply in love with what would you do? I don't believe in letting a relationship spoil a friendship, so I'll let her have him. Hee, I'm so nice (:
23)Are you missing someone now? Haha, when I'm gone in Melbourne people can put my name in this space. That'd be nice. LOL.
Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs.Write down their names in the list below
* Gideon
*Eugene! Haha.
And anyone else who wants to do this.
- 8:16 pm
Three people this week have asked me why I'm going to Melbourne. And I've been thinking why I'm going to Melbourne.
The thing is? Up till now, I really really don't know why. I'm not going so soon anyway. HAHA.
Either way, I'm back to mugging. Geog sucks, there's so much stuff to remember and I doubt anyone's gonna bother if we know how volcanoes are formed when we go for our job interviews in the future. GAHH.
- 8:09 pm
Thursday, September 21, 2006
1E's all stressed up. It didn't help when Mrs Serena Chan said we had to study really hard, even if she meant it out of goodwill.
I just realised how important these exams are to me, if I don't do well, I don't know what I'll do. LOL. I really really wanna do well for this. For me, for my parents. For God.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
-Phillipians 4:13
- 9:51 pm
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Yesterday was pure crap. THE WHOLE DAY. But I'm trying to find the good in everything, so I'll post all the bad stuff that happened and I'll find a good thing to see about it. Haha.
1. I woke up and it was freakingly cold. And the freaking pool was cold too. Which means I can swim! (:
2. My goggles came out during the race when I plunged into the pool, and on the lap back I swam into this whole pool of ACJC guys playing water polo. Goodness, it was soooo humiliating. And Miss Soo was calling me and I didn't hear. Later she asked me, "Xue Er! Why you swim there ah? Got boyfriend there is it?" Hah. What good can come out of this?
3. The stupid swimming cap was so tight it gave me a BAD BAD headache. I think it gives everyone a headache. Once again, what good can a headache do?
4. School was boring. I was so unlucky that I got called out by my Chinese teacher while she was telling a boring China History story, and I was reading Keeping Faith under my table. Well actually it was on my table. And she called me out to write something on the board. I guess I should count myself lucky because Jade got called when she was sleeping. The whole class was looking. Maybe this shows that my laoshi actually cares about what's going on. Haha. I don't know if it's good, I guess it is? LOL.
5. Okay, I said already. The happy birthday was BLEAK BLEAK BLEAK. No good out of this either.
6. History supplementary was irritating. Xiang Ying was whining away, when Mr Seow doesn't even TEACH her History, Mr Seow went, "Please don't whine in the Lecture Theatre." Xiang Ying: "I'm not whiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing." I seriously cannot stick people like that. Can't she freaking see that the EOYEs are 2 weeks away and people NEED to do well? People are not care-less bimbos like her, and that even if she can't be bothered about the EOYEs, PEOPLE CARE? PEOPLE DON'T WANT THEIR PARENTS BLOWING UP AT THEM? That spoilt brat. SHEESH SHE GETS ON MY NERVES. How anyone can actually stand her I dunno. She disrupted everything, and whining away, telling Benn, "EHHHHHHHHH! Yooou never give meee any channnnnnnnce!" She better be glad I didn't go up to her and do something to her. HEH. This shows that I was able to control my anger HEH. I felt like going up to her and slap her and tell her that PEOPLE NEED TO STUDY.
7. I realised that there are 2 weeks to the EOYEs. There's not much time left, and I haven't finished revising. GAHH. At least it's a wake up call for me.
8. When I got home I ate half a mooncake, even though I said I wouldn't. See how bad my self discipline is? 500 calories. HEH. Nothing good. I tried to find something good about this, I really really tried.
9. I had tuition. I was falling asleep because of Swim PE. Abby and I got really really nice sugar donuts. Mrs Chua gave them. Haha. But Eustacia took so many!! That's okay, because Abby and I are nice & generous people! ;D
10. My toot brother was on my nerves. Nothing good either.
11. I had the MEP practical exam the next day (which would be today). At least it would be over soon. But Mrs Arlene Chan said I wasn't making sense of the piece. And that dynamics and expressiveness counts. It's not my fault the stupid piano in the MEP room is naturally loud. I don't have three feet you know. I can't step on all three pedals at one time, FYI. Go buy a better piano for your MEP room before telling me how to play the piece with dynamics! And it's not SUPPOSED to make any sense. Classical piano pieces are composed by lunatics like Beethoven who cut off their ears and have ONE BILLION AND ONE PROBLEMS. Only Hans Zimmer can be considered as a GOOD COMPOSER. He composed Tennessee and Heart Of A Volunteer and Brothers and I Will Come Back and And Then I Kissed Him. And those are nice nice nice songs. Beethoven and Chopin can't beat them okay. At least Hans Zimmer makes sense in his compositions, like they match movies and stuff ( Haha Pearl Harbour!), but who will use Fur Elise or En Reve as a movie soundtrack?
12. I slept late and am cranky. Stupid King Cowie kicked me in the ass, literally. HEH. Her and her Nathan Harthono.
Actually, I saw Nathan Harthono's picture today. He's quite cute eh, but not THAT cute. HAHA! Cute is ugly but adorable, says whatever dictionary. You know what I'm seeing now? Tiffany praying. In the Buddhist way. Inviting her to church will be hard, LOL. Charmaine is studying. While the people around me are playing Pinball on their computers and Poker. It really amazes me how people can concentrate sometimes when a crazy Ahma is shouting, "Oh no! I shot it down!"
- 9:01 am
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Okay, that went well.
The freaking hug became a scalding incident. Slightly, anyway.
- 11:08 am
Monday, September 18, 2006
Before I forget to post this..
You're one of the bestest friends I ever had since P5. Grow in the Lord, and continue to be a testimony for Him in everything you do. ROCK ON, BABES! I LOVE YOU<3
Less than three.
- 9:38 pm
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I don't know why, I feel like leaving for Melbourne now.
Your mercy found me
Upon the broken road
And lifted me beyond my failing
Into Your glory
My sin and shame dissolved
And now forever Yours I'll stand
In love never to end
To call You more than Lord
Glorious friend
So I throw my life upon all that You are
Cause I know You gave it all for me
And when all else fades my soul will dance with You
Where the love lasts forever
And forever I will sing Lord
Forever I will sing
Of how You gave Your life away
Just to save me Lord
You saved me with You
Where the love lasts forever
- 12:59 pm
Ah. I just watched the Pearl Harbour ending again just now. For the thousandth time. Heh, I cried even more this time, LOL.
It's such a sweet movie. REALLY REALLY SWEET.
"There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer."
-Alec Baldwin, Pearl Harbour
- 12:14 pm
I'm zonked out, and the ironic thing is that I couldn't even get to sleep till 3am last night. I was sitting up in my bed, with my nano, until 3am where I finally drifted off.
Heck. Crap luh. I have a History test tomorrow and it's really long, and I haven't studied a single thing. Yet I'm still on the com, listening to Tennessee and Heart Of a Volunteer over and over again. Songs without words can really be so nice sometimes. In the case of Tennessee and Heart Of a Volunteer, it's all the time. Those two songs are really really beautiful. Haha, especially Tennessee. They played these two songs in the really really sad, sweet and happy parts of the movie. Oh yeah, and also when Evelyn and Danny were doing "dirty things". LOL. They should let us do Tennessee and Heart Of a Volunteer for MEP! At least I'll be interested. They're like songs without words, but still you know what the song is saying. So called. But it's nicer if you watch the movie first.
AH. I <3 Pearl Harbor. How many times have I said that? Still. I LOVE LOVE LOVE PEARL HARBOR.
Service was really good yesterday. The leaders were all giving out the Trinitarian bags and this leader, he gave one to himself and shook his own hand, and went, "Thanks for being a Trinitarian." LOL. The service was real exciting. FUEL was closing on Esther, and we had to write on this paper what God has blessed you with, and Grace's heading for her space to write was 'grace<3'. Then Sis Elaine came over and asked, "Grace, you are less than three?" HAHA.
After FUEL I headed home. My mum seems to think that just because she couldn't study with music, everyone else can't. Obviously she hasn't heard of different learning styles. Heh.
- 8:28 am
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Saturday always manages to leave me with a very empty feeling. The only time I don't feel that way is when I'm in service.
It's not that I don't have friends or whatever, it's not that I don't know that God is there for me. It's just that when everything is gone, it seems empty, though it may not be that way. Maybe it's my expectations of the day, expectations of the people that don't live up, they never do, and that's why it feels this way.
You know what? I always feel this way, so now that big chunk of crap I just typed out above can be ignored.
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive
Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
- 11:12 pm
Friday, September 15, 2006
You Are 28% Slacker |
You have a few slacker tendencies, but overall you tend not to slack.You know how to relax when the time is right, but you aren't lazy! |
HOHO. I love the Pearl Harbour soundtrack. The songs are really really nice. Like Tennesee. That song sounds so sweet.
REALLY REALLY SWEET. I'm having Pearl Harbour withdrawal symptoms, I can't watch it because the exams are coming.
- 8:02 pm
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
For the first time ever, I wasn't scared during oral. Miss Gan's okay, but she laughed at me. LOL.
OK I don't feel like posting anymore. I have Chinese Oral today. FREAKY.
I'm really really sorry __.
- 10:39 am
Monday, September 11, 2006
You Are 92% Pure |
You're so innocent, it's almost like you're not human.Taking this test is probably the naughtiest thing you've done in a while! |
You Are 20% Shy |
You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're probably quite outgoing.You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how difficult. |
You Should Learn Portuguese |
Muito legal! For you, learning a language is all about the lifestyle that comes with it.And Brazilian beaches, hotties, parties, and soccer matches are just your style. |
What Language Should You Learn?
Your Linguistic Profile: |
60% General American English |
20% Dixie |
15% Yankee |
0% Midwestern |
0% Upper Midwestern |
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
You Are a Life Blogger! |
Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible. |
What Kind of Blogger Are You?
Your Taste in Music: |
Adult Alternative: Highest InfluenceR&B: High Influence80's Rock: Low Influence90's R&B: Low InfluenceCountry: Low Influence |
Your Inner European is Swedish! |
Relaxed and peaceful.You like to kick back and enjoy life. |
I still haven't posted the pics.
- 2:38 pm
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I watched the ending of Pearl Harbour again just now. And I cried again.
Oh well.
There's always this time where you feel really lonely, and you'll just feel like crying all the time. Waves of loneliness, and it's hard to stand. It just sucks. And you don't feel like anything anymore.
I was only crying over Pearl Harbour partly. The other reason was because I was lonely. Plain, cold and lonely.
That feeling really sucks.
- 2:44 pm
Oh wait I forgot to say.
Bro Zhichao's embarrassing moment was hilarious.
He was getting on a MRT and his wallet dropped into the gap. He was looking down at the gap, and many people were pushing him in. Then the doors closed and it closed on his head so his head was stuck in between the doors. The funnier thing was, there was this woman behind going, "Oh my god oh my god!"
- 9:51 am
The sectional outing was FUN FUN FUN. Haha.
We met at the Harbourfront MRT, and we were all there like buskers. The leaders were all asking us why we were so far away from the guys. Then I saw this guy that I thought was Bro Zhichao and it was hilarious! Had to get our own lunch, so we went to the Harbourfront Shopping Centre and got some food. And I ate it too early. LOL. I think the first part was pretty much bittersweet, someone said something that bugged me ALOT. Not a bit, FYI.
On the way to Siloso, when we were walking there, Chet was like, "JO'S NEW NAME SHALL BE ABOO!" Haha! Then two guys ran past, and they were shirtless and Princess Gene went, "Ariel! You like abs right!" LOL. The sand was sooo hot I think my feet got sunburnt too.
We were in Group A, our cheer was quite dry. It goes: "A, B, C, D, who's the best? Group A, Group A is the best." HOHO. We played games first, the first game was Captain's Ball, and Kinnon brought his friend along. Damien kinda reminded me of Nico, somehow, even though Damien's nicer. Haha, then Benn was like, "Wait! There's no time for introduction now. You just look at our faces and recognise who we are!" Then Bro Zhichao whispered to her, "Haha! Then later he say you very pretty." HAHA! We played with a ball at first, but later we found out that the ball wasn't ours, so we played with a banana. The banana landed in pieces on Jacky when he tried to catch it. So... they decided to use a raw chicken. It was really really sick. Ariel caught it once and she looked at it, screamed and dropped it. Soon the leg got torn off and the guys were poking at it's intestines. UGH.
The second game was Dog & Bone. We played with a ball at first, then later switched to a banana. Before they lay it out there, Ju was asking whether to peel the skin off, which one was more gross. LOL. By the end of three rounds it was in 3 pieces and squishy. =/ After that we used 2 chicken eggs. I caught one, and surprisingly it didn't break! Kinnon got one, and it broke cuz he stepped on it. Then later the yolk got crushed and it was oozing out onto the sand. SICK, haha.
Finally the games were over, and we were all gathered under the tree and Bro Victor was swinging the raw chicken behind me with everything spilling out, and I was edging in front. LOL. He was posing with it. Hoho. We went into the water! Diving in is really really fun. (: The water was super salty, and my mouth became super dry. Chet kept on rubbing sand into my hair and then when I JUST finished washing most of it off, Bro Zhichao would come and rub MORE sand in. My brain wasn't functioning because of the sand! Haha, I was going either "My hair is full of scalp" or "My sand got alot of hair". David, Gid, Gabriel, Chet & Eugene kept on throwing sand balls at me and in a really short while, my WHOLE body was full of sand and some even got onto my face.
Then we had to come out of the water to have a sandcastle building contest. Group A's was really nice! ;D We had this moat, a bridge, steps, a three-tier castle with seaweed wrapped around the last tier, and a flag! The leaders made this stingray, crocodile and turtle in memory of Steve Irwin. Jacky made up some impromptu story about our castle being a giant's castle and it got attacked and he wanted to beautify it etc. WATER BOMBS. The objective was to protect your sandcastle from being bombed by other groups, and it seemed like everyone wanted to bomb ours. Mo, Gene and Chet were all bombing it, and it became a complete wreck. SO SAD! My steps were destroyed.
So after that we could do whatever we wanted, so we all stayed at the beach. I didn't put sunblock cuz I hate the feeling and I don't ever wanna get rashes again. We were diving in, and I got more sand rubbed into my hair. So I went around rubbing it into Chet's hair, and we had these sand fights. I'd go "Hellooo" and he'd go, "YO!" and we'd throw our sandballs. Gene scraped his leg, and Riel was fussing over it. Haha, so sweet. Soon we were all sandy and Chet went, "I come in peace!" No more sandfights. Dived into the water many more times, and the leaders were trying to protect their stingray & gang, but we still managed to step on it in the end. We got Ju into the water! I chipped my nail, it was really painful. In the sea we saw this young girl topless and Gene was like, "SEE NO EVIL!" LOL.
Chet was digging this hole by himself and he found water. I joined him, and we were digging and talking about some stuff and the hole became really deep. PDa came over and asked if there was a treasure in there. Later we buried Princess Eugene in it to the neck, and Julian was kicking the sand around and honestly? He's really really getting on my nerves. Finally when we covered everything, then his knees were popping out and it looked real funny. Then we went back to digging the hole and Damien and Keith sat in it, after that I sat in it, and they were all, "Cleopatra". Eeyer I don't like her hair eh. But the hole was comfortable! Haha. We were expanding it when we saw the so-called dam that Mo, Keith and David built. It was just along the shoreline and we decided to expand that one instead, and we went over. David got out for a while and we girls took his place and he was practically fighting for a place in the dam. The water was breaking down the outer wall of the dam and Princess Eugene, being the kind one, lay down and blocked the tide for us. And finally the dam was nice nice nice! (: While building the dam, Jo was playing with Kinnon and Damien and there's this pic where she looks like she's holding Damien's hand! Haha, she's so darn smitten with him.
I just realised, when Mo smiles in pics, he looks really amusing. He has either that cheeky grin or that wacky smile and it's hilarious. ARIEL AND EUGENE ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! Seriously, that pic Benn took was really really nice. So... compatible. Haha, don't be in denial!
At 4.30 we went to wash up and I had to scrub the grains of sand out of my hair and hold the tap at the same time so it was hard. There was this lady she was bathing in the common area and she took off everything it was really really sick. After that, we went outside and I managed to capture this pic of Jo and Eugene, it was so Korean drama! Haha, but if I post it Eugene will kill me. THE KIND ONE. HOHO. Group A won overall! YAY.
We went back to Harbourfront and went for dinner with my family and Abby's family, Dee, Jo, Abby, Grace, Benn, Riel & me. We had dinner at this Korean restaurant and the food was goooooood! Jo was trying to cool her nose with a glass of ice water, and we had representatives for everything! Benn was the water spokesperson, Ariel was the tea spokesperson, Abby was the kimchi spokesperson, Dee was the veggies spokesperson, Grace was the rice spokesperson, I was the mushroom spokesperson and Jo was the food representative. Haha, it was so fun! Then Jo suddenly went, "ABOO!" and lay on the floor laughing. Silver chopsticks are so cool I was so fascinated with them! Haha. There were these marshmallow things and Jo bit one and she said they were hard. Abby wanted to make one of those concoctions and she put the marshmallow (so-called) into her soup and it expanded! It was actually a towel, and it'll expand when it's put in water because it absorbs the water. So ingenius! My bro actually bit it and said it tasted like paper. HAHA.
We went back to Abby's house and bathed. After I bathed, I was wearing my Brazil shirt, and Jo saw my shirt and suddenly went, "ABOO JERSEY!" HAHA! Pearl Harbour is the sweetest movie ever. It's so beautiful, LOL. Everything. Stupid Japanese. We were all wondering why Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale) could love two guys at once, but it's not her fault too, Rafe died so it's time to move on, and Danny and her were probably seeking solace in each other because they both lost someone they really loved, like Danny (Josh Hartnett) lost his best friend and Evelyn lost the guy she loved. But he didn't die and so he came back and was really mad. And the two best friends were real mad at each other, but it was real sweet to see them work well together despite everything. The Japs are evil. They even bombed the hospital! Then, halfway through, Chet and gang called and they asked me, "Are you Ting Xue Er?" LOL. Before hanging up they said, "Abby, I have three words for you! Byebyebye." Haha. Then we brought out Abby's cake and cut it, sang the song, and continued. Pearl Harbour is so inspiring. I got really excited when they managed to launch the planes off the carrier, and I was gonna scream and cheer, but no one shared my excitement. LOL. Oh this part is so inspiring:
RAFE: We only have 16 planes sir.
SIR: So?
RAFE: Well, when the Japs attacked us they had over 300 planes. We're not gonna make any difference.
DANNY: It's not that we're afraid, sir, but if we're gonna die we wanna know what it's for.
SIR: McCawley, Walker. You know when they attacked us at Pearl, they hit us with a sledgehammer. This raid, even if we make it through, it'll only be a pinprick... straight through their hearts. Victory belongs to those who believe in it the most and believe in it the longest. We're gonna believe. We're gonna make America believe.
And later when they landed in China, their planes crashed and Jap soldiers came. Danny was injured abit, and he was taken to be a POW. Rafe shot down some of the soldiers, and the Jap soldiers got mad and when Rafe ran out of bullets, the Jap soldier wanted to shoot him. He was about to shoot him when suddenly Danny, with that big fat thing on his back, leapt across and pushed the soldier. Immediately the other Jap soldier shot Danny three times in the chest. Oh man that part I was crying. Rafe shot all of them down, and he went over to Danny, and he was crying and Danny was dying, and it was really sad. Rafe was like, "Danny, no, don't go. You're gonna be a father, don't leave me Danny." And I was crying, I'm not sure who else, but it was just sweet and sad at the same time. That Rafe and Danny, despite fighting over Evelyn, they still managed to remain best friends no matter what, and the way Danny died for his best friend and the way Rafe cried because of his best friend.
Watched Mean Girls after that, I'm pretty sick of that show already. It was pretty boring, except for Jonathan Bennett. Haha. We called the guys, and later at 3am went into Abby's bro's room to sleep. We didn't sleep until five because we were talking, and ranking people, and Jo kept sitting up and asking, "Does Damien count?" We told her to stop sitting up but she said when she sat up, she'd see two windows ahead of her and on each window there'd be two faces, Nico on one, and Damien on the other. Later she suddenly sat up and went, "ABOO!" LOL! Benn and Riel were obsessing about SOMEONE'S SIX-PACK MUSCLES. HOHOHO. We stole away Jo's piglet, Nico, and she was like, "My Nico, where are you hiding?" She was comparing Nico and Damien, and she said, "Their hands are the only part I've touched. I've never touched any other. I sleep with Nico every night!" And it sounded soooo wrong. LOL. And Jo proposed to Keith and I was shouting, "Keith don't accept!" Haha.
Finally, at 5am, after a few prank calls, we got to sleep. We woke up at 10am, me and Riel and Jo never ever lets Nico go, even when she pushes Abby off the bed. LOL. The guys called in the morning, and I was like, "Hello? Hello? Hello? UGH." Hangup. We wanted to call them and say, "Good morning! This is room service, would you like coffee, tea or me? Tea and coffee are one dollar each, but me will cost a million dollars!" Haha. Had cake for breakfast. Cream honestly makes me puke. It's so disgusting.
I didn't go for tuition! Haha. Service was really good, on Vision Rally, and somehow my throat felt like crap and I was in the "I don't wanna know what you're gonna say" mood since the night before. Still, at the altar, God showed me who I could be in MG, and He'd be there when I'm lonely, all the time. The past few nights and days I was feeling really really lonely. When God told me that, I started crying. Many people came for service, more than I'd ever seen before and that was really good. During FUEL, the Pass The Parcel question for Chet was: Tell us something interesting about your school. Chet's reply was, "It has me!" TSK SO EGO!
Macs was hilarious. I told Eugene about the ABOO thing and we were like, "Later in her dreams she'll go, 'Aboo, I love you. Aboo, I love you.'" HAHAHA!
Two fun-filled days, but I'm still in the "I don't wanna know what ever you're gonna say to me" mood. I really wanna go back to Sentosa, I don't want this school term to start. I don't wanna go home, they always seem to be quarelling about some stupid matter. One acts lika a saint, the other gets angry. It's crap luh, at home. I wanna repeat the past few days and never let it stop. I don't wanna go home. Because home right now is all, mugg mugg mugg. Even if I don't do that, I have to PRETEND I'm doing that.
Oh yeah.
Haha, grow in the Lord even in this coming year, and we'll continue to be best friends yeah. Welcome to the club, you're 13! (:
Okay what a loooong post. Pics I'll post in another post. It's gonna take a loooong time publishing this. LOL.
- 8:20 am
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I changed my skin again! Haha, I wanted to change it to the All for Love one, but it's really hard to like organize everything. So I'm staying with this.
Okay. This is boring. Everyday I mugg so there's nothing to blog about.
- 6:05 pm
It's late at night, I'm sitting at the dining table wasting my time. Haha.
This is the fourth post for today, and I'm just plain bored. Meanwhile, as I type this, Jo is giving Eugene a survey on BGR, and Eugene's ordering her to be polite to the princess.
JO: Eugene Teo!!!!!
EUGENE: Please be polite to the princess ok!!
JO: ...
JO: Okay, princess, can you please just tell me...
This is hilarious.
I've just turned down 3 offers to go out next week. Chet, to go ice-skating, Ju, to go out, and the CH outing! I wish I could go. Honestly. Freaking EOYEs. I WANT A QUIZ TO DO. THIS IS GETTING HILARIOUS. AND BORING.
The irony of a person whose zonked out. ;D
- 12:42 am
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
For once, I'm actually receiving emails that are not forwards. Which means that they're emails that only I'm reading. HAHA.
I can't wait for the sectional outing. LOL.
And you know what. Funny as it is, I'm having dreams of him. I already had three. It's weird, because I'm over him already.
And they're real dreams. I remember them. And they're funny dreams. Okay, some of them are nice. HAHA.
- 9:57 pm
The good news: I get to borrow the iPod nano, and if I improve I get to
keep it.
- 3:31 pm
Okay haha. Here I am again replying the tags of the people who flooded my tagboard.
JO: Oh you mean Mo actually changed it to ____-____ BABY??? Mo you rock man. HAHA. Obviously you want to go. Because you love me! ;D And it's not a poem BTW. It's a chunk of rubbish. And no you are not a loser also. OKAY? You and your superman. TSK. Are you sure nothing happened????? Why don't you and Eugene need that Affair-Proof thing? It could come into good use in the FUTURE! LOL!
EUGENE: Like I said, it could come into good use in the future. HOHOHO! The West 1 Cookout was okay la. My mum's cell won third and some Russian thingy won 1st. Haha. Then my youngest bro was like, "HAIYO! I shouldn't have voted for them." LOL. And hey. See even JO thinks your name should be there. AHEM. ;D OH yeah that day at Macs right, I didn't say "I LUBB YOU WORHHS" to you okay. It was to Jo. HAHA!
DEE: NP Dee! (: I think I'll get a black forest.
GABRIEL: AHH YES I KNOW. Fine, your math is good. HAPPY?
ANONY: Who you calling a wannabe? And if you tag on my blog show your name. People who sign off as Anony are cowards.
ARIEL: Haha. TSK. Then in church they said that you are not supposed to marry on impulse. I THINK. HIYOH.
Thanks Jo for that email. I LOVE YOU ALL.(:
- 9:04 am
Sunday, September 03, 2006
You know I'd really appreciate if nobody asks me about my previous post thank you. I appreciate your concern, but for once I'd like a post that no one questions me about.
Everything's changing. I'm growing apart from alot of people. This isn't the way it's meant to be. Yet no one actually realises it.
No Lord, it wasn't meant to be this way. So why?
If I could describe myself in three words, I'd describe, 'WEIRD', 'LOSER' & 'FREAK'.
I feel like such an ass.
I'm calling, Lord.
I need an answer.
- 11:53 am
Haha that was so random. Yesterday was FUN FUN FUN. Service was really good. I mean, the music and everything, even though I had to serve, I could just feel God's presence there, which was really good(: I started crying during communion, maybe because Pastor Gary said something about handing all your burdens to Jesus, because He gave it all when He died on the cross. Sis. Lorraine sang "Foot of the Cross" and Pastor Gary said, "Lay everything down at the foot of the cross, because no burden is too heavy." And I thought about how Jesus died on the cross for me and His unfailing love, and I just started crying.
Nina came for service! (: The sermon was by Pastor Janice, and she's super funny. When she said "Superman" I was thinking about Jo and Zhihe and his Superman pose. HAHA! About being God's mighty men, and instead of God touching you all the time, why not touch God's heart with your love for Him, and a heart of Him? After my CH debrief, when I came out, I got greeted by Dee, Jo and Abby (I think)with "I LUBB YOU WORHHS!" Jo said it was part of the Shower Xue with Love Program. Thanks babes! <3
FUEL was really really fun! We had like games and we had to come up with our sectional cheers. Ours was a Superman one again! We're like in this Flying V formation, and Mo and Gab Fang's in front, and they'll start with "UP UP AND AWAY!" And then the rest of the Flying V will do the Kallang Wave and shout "ELAINE'S GROUP!" Then we'll do the Superman pose and go "SHHHH..." Haha. SO FUN! Jo wanted to borrow Zhihe from Upper Sec FUEL. Danny's cheer was so funny la! He's like the PARAPARA KING. ;D Eugene's cheer made no sense, haha. The whole "LOOK IT'S A BIRD" thing. LOL.
Later we had to make our identity out of newspapers and this guy cut out the face of this old man in the papers and put it in his specs. He looked hilarious. So Jo and I were making this ball, and she said something really sick. YUCK LA JO. Haha. I gave the newspaper ball to Kinnon after that, now I don't know where our hard work has gone. It was meant to be thrown at KAFAI!
We're having sectional outing! YAY! Next Friday at Sentosa, and Ju's section is going! HAHA. (: The Bananaz are gonna crash it I think. LOL. With Ariel.
Serene was... HOHOHO. I don't know how to describe it. I went on my own, God and Dee knows why, and ice-cream is not very appealing when you're sick, but I'm better already. I was actually mugging okay! Doing Math and Gab Fang was trying to show off his 'superb' Math skills. Then his sister was asking him to go down and he was like, "Wait wait! Prime factors prime factors!" When Chet and Eugene were eating, they threw a fry at me and it was so salty and I threw potato chips at them and a fry and it landed with Chet, at a not very nice place. LOL! Then Jo, Riel and Eugene disappeared. LATER, I found out that they went to a cemetary, JO AND EUGENE TOGETHER!
Eugene was trying hard to defend himself, he was like, "It's not what you think!" Then Mo was like, hmmms. What could have happened there?
We were flipping through the Trinitarians mag, and there was this article which headed "10 Tips for Dating Couples". Tip No. 4 was: Remember whose property you're touching.
Hilarious luh. Then there was another one, headed How to Affair-Proof your Marriage. Then Grace and I were like, " Mo& Ariel, Eugene & Jo needs this desperately!" HAHA. So Eugene became the Cemetary Boy. Honestly, I wouldn't be too glad to be called Cemetary whatever. I hate cemetaries.
After The Bananaz left, we were checking Jo's phone and it was HILARIOUS. I mean HILARIOUS. We were laughing like crazy and we saw one message. I won't say it here though. HAHA! Then Mo wanted to change her contacts. Grace wanted to change it to 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Partner', Mo wanted ' Baby' and I wanted '____-____ Baby'. It was so hilarious I laughed until my throat hurts again now. I couldn't control my laughter in the car but I had to. So I was letting out bits of laughter and I looked super weird!
I can't wait for sectional outing! I get to go out (so-called) with Ju again my small girl! Haha. Then after that there's the sleepover at Abby's house! Jo please say you'll stay over. Ask your mum to call Abby's mum and Abby ask your mum to say that it's very safe. Of course. HAHA.
You spoilt a friendship, or was it me?
Everytime I see you I feel like saying that I wanna be friends again.
Regardless of whatever happened in the past.
Maybe it was me, with all the wrong feelings.
Or maybe it was you, ____.
I tried everything I could, but you didn't.
I can move on without your friendship, I know you can do it very well.
But it'd have been much nicer if I had it.
I'm not asking for anything else.
Just for the awkwardness and silent looks across the carpark to go away.
Maybe it would've been better if.
I don't know.
I didn't mean to feel that way.
Sorry, ____. Maybe if I didn't, it wouldn't have been so awkward.
Nothing's changed since January.
I'm not waiting for anything else except for you to just talk to me like a friend.
You're a nice person, ____, I know you are.
But I've been waiting 8 months.
For that smile or just a passing 'Hey'.
Nothing came, and I know it's awkward.
My fault, I should never have felt that way.
But I still wait.
And I don't know if I wait in vain.
Whatever, I'll still wait for your friendship.
And I'll still wonder if I'm worth it.
Until you answer, ____.
I'm gonna move on.
But I'm still waiting.
- 8:26 am
Friday, September 01, 2006
Blissful mummy JO!
Whee. (:
Push-ups in the sand!

HAHA. This is really late. Anyhow, OUR SILOSO PICS!(:
- 9:43 pm
Teacher's Day has never been so fun. We were all dressed up, though I didn't look freaking retro. I love my fat hairband though! And Caris' belt was so cool. Haha. Like the bubbles one. Claudia had the black one. LOL.
Mr Seow wore the MG uniform! It was hilarious. And Miss Tang looks so much like a schoolgirl.
Sheryl Goh's retro outfit was super loud. Pink and yellow wig, pink and yellow shirt and pants. Honestly? It was freaky. I would never be caught DEAD in that. Seriously.
I went to KAP with Shannen and Jewel and Shanice, and it was fun. Haha. On the way back home Shannen and Jewel kept talking about Maplestory it was boring. Shannen was so scared to jaywalk across that long stretch of road outside school. I didn't go for tuition! HOHOHO. Ponned. But I'm going today. Sadcase.
And gahh I'm sick. Fever and cough. My mouth feels tight and darn painful. My body feels like it's on fire. I'm in no mood to mugg on Geog, History and Math but I've no choice. My mum doesn't even know I'm sick. Last night I was practically shivering in the super cold aircon and I had to wear a jacket to sleep. =/
When you're sick I guess you don't feel like doing anything. Like me now. All I wanna do is sleep.
- 12:48 pm